Friday, November 2, 2007

30 years old

written on my 30th birthday ... March 15th, 2007... WAHOO! ;)

30 years old...
What does that mean?
I've now lived 3 decades... out grown (as an adult) 3 sizes... developed my brain over 3 "life" times (that is with each stage of maturity life represented a life in it and of itself).

Where am I? I am right here, right now ... with a broader vision, deeper compassion, and far hotter passion!

So, where have I been? Growing to fast, stopping to abruptly, zigging and zagging in the dark, climbing high hillsides and down into the trenches of possible death (not physical ... more mentally and socialogically).

And now? Climbing fervently and humbly to the mountain top... wiser, gentler, and more excited than ever before.

Have I accomplished all that I set out and was determined to do in the "1st life"? No.. but this is much greater than me. It's been full of lessons that I have learned well.

Disappointed?? Honestly? Yes... but not of what I have or where I've been but of how I have treated people, especially the love of my life (including...the lover of my soul), along the way.

Excited?? Of course! I am going to live this life to the fullest and with a passion I once had as a child but with the discipline, experience and wisdom of an adult. No one is to stop me because it's not about me. However, it is all about my precious Jesus and the relationships he calls for me to make, nature, grow, and at times... leave them simply alone.

30 years old?! Rock on and Bring it on!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, my dear friend, on reaching a milestone...and taking time to stop and reflect.
I am excited for the years ahead for you and what God is going to do in your life!

Anonymous said...

Really, life flys by and we don't notice most of the blessings God gives us every day. May the Lord continues to grow you in his mighty way and may you seek to be at his feet every step of the way. You are a dear girl and I pray you will see that as mush as those of us around you do. Sincerely (: