there is beauty in times of pain
when we step back and see what is gained.
never forgetting the lessons learned
a heart that has been hurt yet still has passion to yearn.
taking a moment to assess the risk
leaves you still waiting on that perfect bliss
there is never a good time to take the leap
the fact that there is yearning means the pain may cut deep.
one must not fret, for you are not alone.
there is a healing touch that will ease the scars you own.
they will not fade as if to not exist
they are meant to remind you how to truly feel a simple sweet kiss
for without pain how do we know joy
and without that knowledge... life would be a ploy
offering nothing more than the mundane
with no adventure and nothing to gain.
so do not fret if a tear you shed
seek out the hidden treasures instead
seek out the hidden treasures instead
they are there and not always easy to see
once you've learned to look, it will be more than it seemed
back in the day when all you saw was darkness
making such discovery will bring out the brightness.
it is never easy to take that step
allowing your heart out there once and again
yet watch as a child gets hurt in a day
a few minutes later they invite to play.
so simple and sweet a gesture...bringing adults to their knees
remembering what it was to have such innocent peace
they don't have to remind themselves "tomorrow's a new day"
they simply let it all fall away
let's make an effort to have that child like care
let's make an effort to have that child like care
and use the wisdom of age to leave selfishness there
in the wake of yest er year.
You are thought of today.... :)
as are you my new friend. :)
Dear Nette,
Beautiful. Know that you are in His ever caring hands as you go though life. No matter what the ground may feel like He is with you and carrying you though these times that challange you to grow and lean on Him. ;)
Sincerely, - me - (Mommy of two little blessings)
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