Friday, October 31, 2008

Let Me Lead

There are things I wonder
but do not show
like how to be me
but do not overflow
people with to much
for that is always said
"you are just to much"
"you try too hard my friend"

It is such a balance
each step you take
to be kind to others
and yet be true to the wake
of emotions that rise
and boundaries that cross
how do i "do this life"
without creating a cost?

A cost to my heart
as it breaks into pieces
a cost to my true self
as it gets lost in the seasons

So much to learn
but all i have is time
so I'll just sit at His feet
and allow Him to sort my life.

It's an interesting thing
to simply stop and rest
to not try so hard
and just learn from the best

He created this being
so all i need to do is be
He makes no mistakes
as He created you and me

There are choices we make
lessons we learn
sometimes we run to fast
we leave the Coach at the turn
heading the wrong direction
we run deeper in the dark
not knowing where we are heading
without His light to illuminate as we embark
on new territories and some times old
it is in those spaces
there are wounds we've left alone

So in these travels
I will learn to walk slow
trusting His grace and mercy
to unfold
to light the darkness
lead me on my way
I have know idea how to deal
with much more than today.

There will be times
He will call me to sit
to rest a while
simply listen
no need to ask "why?" like a child of three
just sit and listen
for there is much to glean

Then He'll take my hand
in the gentlest way
and say
"It's okay, I've got you. Let Me Lead"
And you'll begin again
in this dance we call life
but not alone in the darkness
with the Lover of your Soul and Life.
(pictures shown here are from flickr. 1st picture is by FLUK ... 2nd picture is by queen'slace. Thank you to both for sharing your art with us.)


Renae said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! Looking forward to reading your posts!


Anonymous said...

Dear sweet Nette,
This is beautiful. To hear your words not those from whom you learn, but yours is delightful. Thank you for making the time to post your heart and soul in this post. I know we (those who love you) have told you things such as "you're a lot" of excytement or energy or even passion. Understand that without people who are a lot...passion, excytement, sadness, etc. there would be no balance to others of us who are less so. If this hurts your heart to read, please call or message me and I will tell you with my voice and you will understand that I love you, dear sister, and know that though we are quite different, without one there would not be the other. *smile* God placed us in the same family not only for Momma but also because He knew that we would be the proper personallities to spur one another on and to encourage one another no matter our, how shall I say, energy? levels. *smile* You are who you are and there is one thing you need to focus on and you know what that is! *smile* It's our Maker. He made you full of passion and energy for a reason and now it's a matter of figuring out what that purpose is. Remember that our purpose is to serve Him alone and in doing so we shall be made new. *smile*

Better close for now. I do love you and pray for you often.

Sincerly and Lovingly, -me-(Mommy of two little blessings)

The Muse said...

Oh, I am a DADDYS girl...but my Daddy as long since gone to Heaven...and still this work brings him near to me...
and greater still, my Father...
Reminding us all to breathe...and yes Nette, a reminder to simply let Him lead. A truly lovely work you have written...inspired by the Spirit !

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette!

I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful, encouraging post on my blog. I so enjoy hearing from Amanda and I was so pleased to hear from you as well!
Did you write the poem in this post? It is amazing! Thank you for sharing.
In HIm

Janelle said...

I love your conclusion here. He is truly made to us, ALL WE NEED! Let's spend all our days and energy in THIS dance, not knowing the steps, but learning we don't need to! Let's ride on Abba's feet...