Monday, November 10, 2008

A moment on Faith....

I've been thinking considerably about "faith" today.

I'm in constant wonder about how to explain what I cannot see but know to the core of me to be true. The only word we have is "faith" to describe it yet that word alone is thrown around so often that I'm not certain we really have a complete understanding of the vitality and depth of this word. ( Faith: belief without proof....other words delegated to faith are: loyalty, fidelity, trust)

People ask me how do I get through different paths of my journey or how my mom survived her childhood and became the vivacious woman with such love she is today and I often say it was the our faith... knowing that there is a God greater than our circumstances and who sees the bigger picture. The fact that we believe without seeing and have no doubt that He is there. Though our "natural" tools to solve such matter fail us we know it will all work itself out.

Currently, this chapter of my life has such trials and tribulations but such amazing joy too. There are victories amidst the striking blows and joys in the tears. Such course of drama in any book would lead you to a natural course of ending. However, my chapter has just begun and I know the writer, so I expect the unexpected simply due to my faith.

My faith is much like the wind... faith is often described as such as well... you cannot see it but you see it's affects and you feel it. That is the beauty because over the written pages of my life I have seen the "wind" disperse grand floods of "rain" which is my description of the rejuvenating and restoring grace that has blanketed my life.

As faith is belief without proof , maybe it would be good to also understand proof. Proof leads to evidence and evidence is the result of having something tangible (from my understanding and perspective.) I have proof of my Faith in God as far as there is result of a creation however in circumstances the results show themselves much later. During the process it is walking in blind faith at times and resting in what I know to be true.

I think everyday we all live by faith and we don't really think about it. We have faith that when we go to sleep we will awaken. We have faith that when we sit the chair will hold our weight. We have faith our appendages will work when we send the signal from our brain without a nano second thought. But what happens when they don't .... most lose hope or trust. So the essence of living in all out Faith is still having it when the the house of cards fall.

I never said faith was easy. But I can't imagine living without it. I think without it I may survive but I would never truly live. Every step would be a question rather than a stride with hope there is something underneath my confident step. Confidence... that is the blessing of faith. No more cause to question with fear or insecurity just encouragement to keep moving forward. To be encouraged is "to cause; to be in" courage. Interesting don't you think that such a simple word as faith leads to much bigger things than the depleting degrade of stepping into fear and uncertainty.

Faith... much deeper and stronger everyday I wake. Today... I thought considerably about faith and turns out.. I'm very blessed that I have such encouragement.

May you be blessed today and encouraged. :) Just think how you don't question the littlest of things because of a little bit of faith. :)

(just a note... pictures that I have not given credit to such as this one are taken by me. :) )


Anonymous said...

To have faith is to believe in somthing you can not see. To know that you love the Lord with all you are and try your best to live a life that is pleasing to Him is how one makes it through the briors along the path we choose to take.

Keep focused on God and remember to pray always.
Harvest blessings. -me- (Mommy of two little blessings)

Lilly said...

That is a great post. It is not until you face something difficult that you really question your faith. I have more than ever in the last few years just because of certain cirucmstances in my life. I guess now I accept that life is not that easy always and there are the ups and downs that will challenge us and our faith. I cant imagine life without belief in God. I really cannot. This post gave me much food for thought and you write beautifully.

The Muse said...

Your writing... it is from the soul... you pour it out with heartfelt love and passion...this is why I come here, Nette :)

christa jean said...

True words. Lovely words.
I've been praying for a truer faith, one that becomes stronger through the inevitable shaking of life.

Thanks for your comment on my blog. You look like a beautiful person, a kindred spirit. And I LOVE what your mom says! I will have to write that in my journal and read it on the dark days.

Anonymous said...

My gifted one, my friend, my "daughter", my mentor: you are so many things to me: Another lovely piece from the heart.
From one whose heart is soft and fragile right now, but strong and confident in her rightfully- placed faith in Jesus.

Anonymous said...

This year was very rocky for my family, yet beautiful lessons came from each incident. I know it's because of our faith that we are growing even through pain.

Loved reading your words today!