Saturday, October 20, 2007

For my one and only...

to the one who has my heart
and shares the tender joys
you are the dearest treasure
and you bless me and the "boys" ;)

my heart is forever connected
to the pulse of your soul
so it jumps when you're happy
and aches when it's full
of stresses, aches and heartbreak
so, know you're never alone

for you, my love
are eternally home
in the depths of my soul.

forever your nette

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"love holds no record of wrong or right" Amaizing how the Lord sees love and merriage. The joy we find in our spouse is actually the God we see in them. Not the changes we think we can or have made but the God in them that caught us in the beginning. Live changes people no matter what path you are on, single, married, married with changes you. May God grow each of us in his ways rather than us going in our own chosen direction on our own. Really, we can't do it on our own so ought to give our everything to God from the start. May you always give your marriage to Him and look to Him in everything you do. You two are dear people and I pray your merriage grows in God all the time. Sincerely (: