Friday, November 7, 2008

Dark Chocolate & Almonds day (a real national holiday for Novemeber 7th)

A Case for Dark Chocolate-Almonds

All I can say is...
((with hand raised))
Hello. My name is Jeanette, and I am a Chocoholic.

My love affair with chocolate and nuts began at an early age. The first time I snuck a piece of yummy goodness out of my mom's purse and ingested its sweet ecstasy, I knew I would be hooked for life. Yes...I said I snuck it from my mom.

I come from a long line of Chocoholics. Secretly we hide, our overwhelming fixation on this semi-sweet goodness, in the "seedy" spaces of overnighters and romantic movie nights. While lurking around in cushy-cozy slippers, comfy sweats, and oversize sweatshirts, we wrap up our hair in frumpy (but bomb dig, sassy sexy) pony tails, illuminating the night with candlelight and hide in massive chairs and plum blankets while we generously ingest crunchy nuts and warm smooth delicious intoxication covering red ripe strawberries. In some cases, we are caught enabling others in their intense obsession, accompanied by liquid forms of both almonds and chocolate (I shall leave the rest to your own suitable imagination).

My own enslavement has embraced me, in the heightened sensitivity and euphoria of the nutritive affects, during the relaxing comfort of aromatic bubble baths. While I understand that I am bent on such a luxury in simple forms, I do not find a need to rid my self of such treasured joys. name is Jeanette, and I am Chocoholic especially accompanied by Almonds!

Thank you for listening to my irrational musings of such seductive sweetness! :)

Here are some fantastic facts that should push this partnership to the top of the food chain.


  • provide essential fats and proteins
  • used as alternative medicine
  • aromatherapy
  • practically no carbohydrates...great for flour
  • safe for diabetics
  • gluten free
  • 1 cup of almond flour contains only 20 grams of carbs. and 10 of those grams is dietary fiber
  • helps with movement of food through the colon
  • helps complexion
  • helps fight cancer
  • reduces bad cholesterol
  • nutritive for the brain and nervous system said to induce high intellectual levels and longevity
  • anti-inflammatory, immunity boosting, and anti-hepatotoxicity effects
  • almond oil extracted via cold press is considered an aphrodisiac when used in massage oils and also internally consumed

Dark Chocolate:

  • provide Antioxidants reducing formation of free radicals
  • links to serotonin levels in the brain
  • theobromine...a stimulant
  • amino acids
  • caffeine
  • circulatory benefits...can lower bloodpressure when eaten in moderation
  • alkaloids...psychological effects in humans...toxic for cats and dogs
  • aphrodisiac...resulting in heightened sensitivity and euphoria

(photo provided by daveleb on flickr...thank you! I posted this on zany life + crazy faith as well. Go take a look at some other fantastically ridiculous actual national holidays and thoughts from others. :) )


Lilly said...

Hi Jeannette, I thought I would visit your blog. Oh my you look like Snow White or a young Liz Taylor!! Beautiful. Lovely blog too. I will be back, keep writing as you ahve a way with words!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nette!
I was thinking the exact thing the other commentor said -- you look like Snow White or Liz Taylor! You are so lovely.

And from one chocoholic to another -- AMEN SISTER!!
In Him (and chocolate)

The Muse said...

I find no irrational thought here what so ever ! LOL Finally science is proving what we always have known!
LOL Great post :) :)
Now let's go nibble some DARK chocolate ! :)

The Muse said...

Oh thank you so much for the warm words you left on my blog..thank you seems so under-rated... :)
Many blessings!

mandy said...
