Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hear Ye Here Ye! I call all friends to Go on a Visit

I have written another Guest post on Zany Life + Crazy Faith . Go an check it out! Plus there are tons of fantastic collaborations for this fun journey through the National holidays of November. ;) Please hangout, read, collect your treasures and Leave a Comment. :) I'll have more coming in a day or so... things are a little crazy right now. :) Thank you all for your comment love and such amazing encouragement. :)


Lilly said...

That is a pleasure and I cannot wait to read your latest post!! Well done!

Anonymous said...

Good job Nette. I enjoyed the shape the top part made and the poem below was nice as well. Thank you for making the time to post your ideas of how we can all be kind to each other.

Harvest blessings.-me-(Mommy of two little blessings)

The Muse said...

Oh you know I will :)

Anonymous said...

I visited & left a message there..I enjoyed it very much!